Walter is a very caring, and compassionate person that cares tremendously for the well-being of his clients. He has extensive experience helping each client personally get out of pain and achieve a pain free life, no matter their story.
Walter is committed to finding the most appropriate and effective therapy routine for each individual, to give people the pain relief they desire as quickly as possible. He is passionate about giving hope and lasting results to people who feel stuck in a seemingly endless cycle of pain. Walter personally suffered from low back pain for many years and eventually developed severe sciatic pain. After several visits to his local chiropractor, with no significant relief, he followed a friend’s referral and tried Posture Therapy. He got tremendous relief from the pain on his first visit and as he continued to practice his targeted exercises, the pain was less and less until eventually it totally disappeared. This life changing moment drove him to become certified in Posture Therapy so that he could help as many people as he could to live a pain free life.
He earned his certification through the Egoscue University and is an Egoscue Certified Affiliate specializing in improving postural alignment to eliminate musculoskeletal pain. Retraining the posture improves neuromuscular function and corrects muscular imbalances in a short amount of time. Simple but targeted positional exercises are specifically chosen for your body based on your history, pain, and ability to move.
Walter first trained and worked as a therapist at the Egoscue Method clinic and has had his own therapy practice since 2010. Find out how quickly Walter can help you live the life you want by reaching out to schedule an appointment with Walter in person or over Zoom today.
RLE Massage & Posture Therapy
813 US Highway 1
Lake Park. FL 33403
work phone: 561-845-2541