Dave Reynolds and Associates, LLC
Personal Fitness Specialists
Dave Reynolds is a licensed PTX Therapist and received his Postural Alignment Specialist Certification from the Egoscue Method in 2008. He is the owner of Dave Reynolds and Associates, LLC in Silver Spring, MD.
Dave is certified as an Exercise Physiologist by American College of Sports Medicine, a Medical Exercise Specialist by American Academy of Health, Fitness and Rehab Professionals, Certified Adaptive Fitness Instructor, and has completed level 2 Certificate from Sara Meeks Osteoporosis training. He has vast experience in the areas of postural therapy, fitness training (group and individual) for clients of all ages and abilities and works with allied health professionals to provide a comprehensive approach to his client’s health care needs. Dave is continuing to work remotely, but can also provide home visits. His philosophy is “A balanced body sets the foundation for achieving a more functional and pain free life.”
2100 Edgewater Parkway
Silver Spring, MD 20903
email: draFitness@comcast.net
202 352 6658