Randee Engelhard, MPT, is the owner of Realign by Randee, Inc. located at Points 2 Wellness in Weston, FL. She is a licensed physical therapist, licensed PTX therapist, posture alignment specialist, and Advanced Exercise Therapist certified by Egoscue Institute. She has been practicing therapy for over 25 years, even providing virtual posture therapy to clients worldwide.
Randee began her education with a Bachelor’s degree from University of Florida in Health and Human Performance and she then completed her Master’s in Physical Therapy at Nova Southeastern University. She spent additional years studying holistic practices that complement her Western medicine knowledge of the human body.
Unlike most traditional Physical Therapists, her passion for learning led her to study and utilize additional therapies. She looks deeper at the body, viewing it as a whole and discovering the root cause for chronic pain and symptom relief. She helps clients balance postural deviations to alleviate symptoms, improve postural habits, and develop daily routines to maximize health. She is also certified in NAET Allergy Treatments which addresses many of the causes of inflammation and pain.
Randee is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care for all of her patients. She goes the extra mile, developing individualized treatment programs for each of her patients to ensure measurable remediation of symptoms.
Randee Engelhard, BS, MPT, PAS, AET, NAET
Realign by Randee, Inc.
Points 2 Wellness
1625 North Commerce Pkwy, Suite 305
Weston, FL 33326