Case Studies

PTX Therapy - Case Studies & Publications

We built the PTX platform to make a difference in the health of hardworking people in every walk of life, all around the world. 

We are dedicated to proving the efficacy of PTX Therapy. That’s why we publish clinical case studies — so patients, researchers, and healthcare providers can assess the efficacy for themselves. Read on for the latest case studies and publications from PTX Therapy.

Group of Friends Thumbs Up

94% of PTX users now understand the reason for their pain

“Prior to participating in postural therapy, users responded that they were confused as to the real cause of their pain” EMPLOYEE PAIN RELIEF REPORT Large US Food Manufacturer and Distributor – thousands of employees nationwide Number of Study Participants – 463 Study Length – 120 days The purpose of this study is to show the quantifiable benefits of Postural Therapy among a population of engineers, warehouse, and administrative personnel (accounting, retail, sales, customer care).

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Runner Kneeling to Tie Shoe

92% of PTX users live a healthier lifestyle due to this program

“Users also reported a positive impact on their work and personal lives with this program” EMPLOYEE PAIN RELIEF REPORT Large US Food Manufacturer and Distributor – thousands of employees nationwide Number of Study Participants – 463 Study Length – 120 days The purpose of this study is to show the quantifiable benefits of Postural Therapy among a population of engineers, warehouse, and administrative personnel (accounting, retail, sales, customer care).

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PTX is at least 2x better than anything else

“The overall factor-of-two superiority of PTX over Control Group was highly significant (p = 0.002).” EMPLOYEE PAIN RELIEF REPORT Study within one of largest semi-conductor companies in the world – thousands of employees, Study included a Principal Investigator, Sub-Investigators, and Statistical Analysis conducted by John C. Pezzullo, Ph.D. Georgetown University Medical Center The purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of system-delivered Postural Therapy, relative to a heterogeneous mixture of subject-selected alternatives, in producing improvements in the physical condition of subjects. The study involved adult males and females, age 20–80, who were employees of one company, and who required therapy for various symptoms. Study compared the pre-to-post-treatment changes in symptom severity and other related factors. Statistical Analysis Report for Study A Comparison of Postural Therapy Delivered from Patented Technology Versus All Other Available Treatments Requiring Therapy for Headaches, Cervical, Shoulder, Thoracic, Lumbar, Hip, Knee, Nerve Referral Down Arm(s), Nerve Referral Down Leg(s), Foot, or Ankle Symptoms. Other treatment options included MD’s (General Practitioner or Orthopedic Doctor) and diagnostic tests (MRI, X-ray, CT scans), Chiropractor, Physical Therapist, Prescription Meds, OTC Meds, Orthotic Devices, Injections, Surgeries (all).

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93% overall symptom improvement rate

“Symptoms evaluated: Headaches, Neck, Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist & Hand, Upper Back, Mid Back, Lower Back, Hip, Knee, Nerve Referral Down Arm(s), Nerve Referral Down Leg(s), Foot & Ankle.” EMPLOYEE PAIN RELIEF REPORT Large US Food Distribution Company – thousands of employees Number of Study Participants – 230 Study Length – 90 days The purpose of this study is to show the quantifiable benefits of Postural Therapy among a population of truck drivers, warehouse personnel, and administration (accounting, retail, sales, customer care)

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Man Kicking Down the Letters P A I N

Highly significant reductions in pain, for back, hip, knee, shoulder, neck, leg and foot symptoms

“The PTX group experienced highly significant improvements (reductions) in their level of symptom severity across all symptoms. Primary and secondary symptoms included: Headaches, Cervical, Shoulder, Thoracic, Lumbar, Hip, Knee, Nerve Referral Down Arm(s), Nerve Referral Down Leg(s), Foot, or Ankle Symptoms.” EMPLOYEE PAIN RELIEF REPORT Reported from several large case studies, including leading global supplier of electronics and retailer, food manufacturer and distributor, semi-conductor manufacturer, well over 1,000 lives participated

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Strong Man With Healthy Back/Spine

PTX shows “overwhelming dominance” in improving posture and reducing meds

“Evaluations show an overwhelming dominance of favorable replies regarding improved posture and reduction in meds among PTX subjects. Non-PTX clients tended to respond unfavorably to questions regarding posture and medication use.” EMPLOYEE PAIN RELIEF REPORT Study within one of largest semi-conductor companies in the world – thousands of employees, Study included a Principal Investigator, Sub-Investigators, and Statistical Analysis conducted by John C. Pezzullo, Ph.D. Georgetown University Medical Center The purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of system-delivered Postural Therapy, relative to a heterogeneous mixture of subject-selected alternatives, in producing improvements in the physical condition of subjects. The study involved adult males and females, age 20–80, who were employees of one company, and who required therapy for various symptoms. Study compared the pre-to-post-treatment changes in symptom severity and other related factors. Statistical Analysis Report for Study A Comparison of Postural Therapy Delivered from Patented Technology Versus All Other Available Treatments Requiring Therapy for Headaches, Cervical, Shoulder, Thoracic, Lumbar, Hip, Knee, Nerve Referral Down Arm(s), Nerve Referral Down Leg(s), Foot, or Ankle Symptoms. Other treatment options included MD’s (General Practitioner or Orthopedic Doctor) and diagnostic tests (MRI, X-ray, CT scans), Chiropractor, Physical Therapist, Prescription Meds, OTC Meds, Orthotic Devices, Injections, Surgeries (all).

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Pain Pills Spilled on Table

3 out of 4 clients off of pain meds within a few weeks

“Evaluations show an overwhelming dominance of favorable replies regarding improved posture and reduction in meds among PTX subjects. Non-PTX clients tended to respond unfavorably to questions regarding posture and medication use.” EMPLOYEE PAIN RELIEF REPORT Study within one of largest semi-conductor companies in the world – thousands of employees, Study included a Principal Investigator, Sub-Investigators, and Statistical Analysis conducted by John C. Pezzullo, Ph.D. Georgetown University Medical Center The purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of system-delivered Postural Therapy, relative to a heterogeneous mixture of subject-selected alternatives, in producing improvements in the physical condition of subjects. The study involved adult males and females, age 20–80, who were employees of one company, and who required therapy for various symptoms. Study compared the pre-to-post-treatment changes in symptom severity and other related factors. Statistical Analysis Report for Study A Comparison of Postural Therapy Delivered from Patented Technology Versus All Other Available Treatments Requiring Therapy for Headaches, Cervical, Shoulder, Thoracic, Lumbar, Hip, Knee, Nerve Referral Down Arm(s), Nerve Referral Down Leg(s), Foot, or Ankle Symptoms. Other treatment options included MD’s (General Practitioner or Orthopedic Doctor) and diagnostic tests (MRI, X-ray, CT scans), Chiropractor, Physical Therapist, Prescription Meds, OTC Meds, Orthotic Devices, Injections, Surgeries (all).

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Four Friends Smiling Together

85% Symptom Improvement in the first routine

“PTX was demonstrated to be superior to that of the Control group with respect to: Overall composite severity for all primary and secondary symptoms; Digestive symptoms severity; and All 8 subjective evaluations” Interpretation after the user’s first routine. Primary and secondary symptoms included: Headaches, Cervical, Shoulder, Thoracic, Lumbar, Hip, Knee, Nerve Referral Down Arm(s), Nerve Referral Down Leg(s), Foot, or Ankle Symptoms.” EMPLOYEE PAIN RELIEF REPORT Large US Food Distribution Company – thousands of employees nationwide Number of Study Participants – 230 Study Length – 90 days The purpose of this study is to show the quantifiable benefits of Postural Therapy among a population of truck drivers, warehouse personnel, and administration (accounting, retail, sales, customer care).

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