Inspirational 69 Year Old Powerlifter Ends A Life Of Chronic Pain With Posture Therapy

Inspirational 69 Year Old Powerlifter Ends A Life Of Chronic Pain With Posture Therapy

Carolyn Vanzlow has an incredible story to tell. Her journey with pain began at the age of 7. She struggled with pain in her spine, hips, and shoulders well into her 50’s when eventually she’d just had enough. She was so limited in her activities that she had to carefully weigh how much and how she moved. She tried many modalities, but nothing really helped end her chronic pain. Finally one day she came across something completely different than everything she had already tried. With her background in medicine and varied experience of what didn’t work, she immediately knew her life was about to change forever.


The discovery that changed Carolyn’s life was posture therapy. Her biggest testament to its success is her pain-free active life as a competitive power-lifter. You would never know the pain she struggled with by seeing her breaking a world record at age 69. Watch her perform one of her world record breaking lifts here.

Are you in the same place Carolyn was? Have you struggled with chronic pain forever? There is hope for you too. She discovered the one in a million therapy that really does provide relief from pain for everyone seeking it. She learned that she had the power within her own muscle and joint structure to overcome her pains, just by improving her posture. She got the relief she had always been seeking and can now do any activity she desires as she takes on life in her 70’s. The method and art by which Carolyn found relief is called posture therapy.


We all experience pain differently, and for different reasons from one another. Your history, favorite activities, routines, jobs, sports and more have changed your body and shaped your posture over time. In order to get out of your pains for good, just like Carolyn did, you need a good posture program or posture therapist to come alongside you and help you get your body back to straight again.

A good posture therapist will find out what your exact story is and properly analyze your current posture and pains. They will systematically help you overcome each symptom and imbalance until you can claim your own pain relief success story. By re-educating your body and reminding the joints where they are supposed to be, straight and not crooked, your pain will go down and your movements will become pain-free.

Carolyn didn’t stop with her own success at overcoming pain. She has devoted her life and her career to helping others discover posture therapy. She now coaches others through the same healing process that changed her life. She offers posture therapy sessions online via Zoom and also works with clients in-person at her clinic in Las Vegas. You can get started with a posture-focused therapy program from., or by contacting Carolyn or any of the other licensed PTX posture therapists around the world.


Many posture therapy clients have stories like Carolyn. Their testimony is the same. (Watch or read more testimonials here). You’re not broken. You can get better. The amazing thing about posture therapy is that it’s completely tailored to each individual. With this kind of personalized-to-you posture focus, there really isn’t any way you won’t get better. Whether it’s your first attempt at getting pain relief or your last, there’s hope. If you want to experience the life-changing results that Carolyn did, then it’s time to try posture therapy for yourself.




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